DatengNya Cuma 1 Jam, RepotNya berJam-jam

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lo bayangin lagi niiiy Man...
Ada band yang dateng ke radio tempet gw kerja. Ceritanya dateng buat interview Event bsk sore
(coba lo baca postingan gw sebelum ini).

Ceritanya beginin sob,
Rencananya kotak bsk sore mau mae di kota gw bsk, trus maenNya mlm, tp krn EO'a ta*k kucing, akhirnya acara di gelar sore2. Udah gitu gw juga rada kasian sama kotak. Dia baru cabut dari solo ke kota gw Pagi2, trus sampenya siang.

Udah gitu,
kotak disuruh langsung mampir ke sekolahan buat jumpa fans..
kelar jumpa fans jam 5an, Mreka mkn di tempat yang menurut gw ga pantes bgt.

kelar mkn malem, kotak langsung jalan lagi keradio gw buat interview 1 jam. Tampang personiL2nya udah pada lecek banget gara2 kecapeAN...

Tapi si EO itu malah ga nongol batang idungNya di radio gw.
kacau banget deeech !!!!
Si EO nuntut macem2 ke radio gw, tapi mreka ga nongol,bla bla bla...

Sampe manager kotak tampangNya ikut2 bete gara2 EO itu.

1jam interview, tapi banyak tuntutan dr EO aneh, tapi si EO kacrut malah ngaciiirr..

1 kata buat tu EO !!


Event Organizer Katro Banget \(^.^)/

Beberapa hari ini gw ngerasa kecewa bgt sama 1 EO dari semarang.

Lo bayangin aja sendiri..
EO ga becus ngurus per-izinan, ngurus Vendor juga kacau. Parahnya lagi, EO ini ga bisa DIPLOMASI banget.

Kebetulan Acara gw Minggu (7 Feb 2010) ini di Sponsorin sama Provider Seluler. Ngurus lomba nada sambung EO ini berantakan, ngurus Venue sekolah juga ga beres, sampe 2 Band BESAR indonesia juga terlantar gara2 EO ini.

Event yang aturan-nya digelar malem, akhirnya kaga jadi. trus jamNya di geser jadi sore. Lo bayangin aja, event Musik, 2 Band TOP koq sore2. Kaya acara kondangan ga Siiie ???

Ada aja alesanNya buat ngeLes..
yang polisiNya pelit keluarin izin, yang Pihak sekolah ga koOrporatif, bla bla bla..
Pusing bener gw denger alesan dr EO ini. ParahNya lagi, gara2 niy EO, gw ga jadi ngMC.
Duit gw ilang dech &^$72hjkshg76*^&hjy^%^3 !!!!!

Baru kali ini gw ketemu n kerja sama EO yg kacau beliau n kacrut bgt kerjanya..

Smoga lo semua ga dapet nasib Naas ky gw ya.. Read More...

Inbox Handphone and your facebook say's....

Friday, August 28, 2009

You have to tell...

Do not play with fire. But now what are you doing ?
i have to follow your order.

i'm trying to be a good men for you, i'm try to come closer for you.

just like your skin, i try to be closed for you, in every single your day.

Like an air who always around you. But now you play with fire.

i have to read your sms on your handphone inbox. Hug, speechless, etc....
is that your daily actifity on your office ?
Poored me.

Family is My Religion

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

26 years old...
Young gun or old man ?
Can you help me to find the answer of that Question ?

If i think, what i've done since 26 years ago, i fill very very sad.
i'm still ZERO (0), Nonsense, Nothing, Nobody. When another guys on the same age with me have to do a lot of thing, how about me ?

One thing that always gives me strange, is my Family..
They always stand up Behind me, push My Slowly step, Give a spirit when i broke down. They shoulder always ready for my tears. They pray always makes my journey more and more easy.

For me,
they are everything..
they are my number one..
they are my life..
they are my religion..

Dad, mom, and my 3 sister...
Your mean the world for me, you are my religion..

i Love you All..

Your Son and your brother

Sad Story On 11 August 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today is my 38 Month Anniversary.

38 month ago, i have to decided to maked a Relationship with a girl. But today 38 month letter, is not a Beautiful day for me.Just because too extravagant when i used My Handphne Credit, she has to angry.

is this my foul ?
Am i Wrong ?

Alternative Band Plays On Unplugged III

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me Unplugged.Mp3
U2 - One Unplugged.mp3
Sugar Ray - Someday Unplugged.Mp3
The Cure - Boys Don't Cry Unplugged.mp3

Alternative Band Plays On Unplugged II

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Killers - Somebody Told Me Unplugged.mp3
No Doubt - Dont Speak Unplugged.mp3
Creed - With Arms Wide Open Unplugged.Mp3
Counting Crows - Mr.Jones Unplugged.Mp3
Radiohead - Creep Unplugged.mp3
Good Charlotte -I Just Wanna Live Acoustic Unplugged.mp3
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn Mtv Unplugged.mp3
Slipknot - Vermilion Part II Unplugged.mp3
P.O.D - Southt Own Unplugged.mp3
SimplePlan - Perfect Unplugged.mp3

Copyright 2009 © This is My Journey